Are Anti Aging Foods The Same As Hair Growth Supplements?

What are anti aging foods?

With age not only does your skin show age-related signs but so does your hair. Thus, it is not surprising when link anti-aging foods with hair growth supplements. Ani-aging foods basically contain those nutrients that have become deficient in your body, and if supplemented with can slower the aging signs of your skin and hair.

With the intake of anti aging foods in your diet, you are choosing the healthy and natural way of keeping your skin and hair young by nourishing them with what they need.

When it comes to rescuing your thinning hair, most people go for hair growth supplements rather than dietary changes, since supplements in their concentrated form tend to show quicker results when compared to their native counterparts in foods.

Hair growth supplements that are present in recommended anti aging food:

Hair growth supplements are vitamins and nutrient rich formulations, most of which are commonly found in foods recommended for people looking for anti-aging Food.

Do 'Skin Care Products' Contain 'Amino Acid Supplements'?

  1. Salmon: This tasty fish is rich in omega-3-fatty acids and is a very much recommended anti aging food (reduce skin infection and dryness), which also can be found in supplements that strengthen hair.
  2. Peanut butter: Another delicious food rich in Biotin and Niacin that comes under the heading of “anti aging food”, is also a common ingredient of Hair growth supplements. Biotin helps regeneration of skin cells by promoting cell growth, when it comes to skin benefits. Talking about its hair related advantages, Biotin increases hair growth by promoting the hair growth cycle.
  3. Yogurt: Yogurt is that wonder food that is rich in naturally occurring probiotics. It has high content of vitamin A, to keep your skin feeling younger by maintaining healthy cell turnover, and thus preventing the onset of early wrinkles. It also is a good source of calcium for healthy hair, teeth and nails. The protein content in yogurt also aids to keep the skin in a firm condition, making it resistant to appearance of lines. Vitamin A can be commonly seen in the label claims of supplements for hair growth.
  4. Oranges and Kiwi: These fruits are not only pleasing your palate but also your body with their rich vitamin C content. Skin wise, they help produce more collagen, and keep the fine lines away. Vitamin C can fight off all the bacteria in your scalp that block healthy hair follicles and thus promote better hair growth by cleaning the debris in follicles. Vitamin C also ward off dandruff, which is one of the primary causes of hair loss. All these benefits have put Vitamin C in the list of Vitamins that comprise hair growth supplements.
  5. Lentils: All kinds of lentils and kidney beans form a rich source of your dietary protein as well as iron. Iron deficiency can cause some serious hair loss. Hence iron supplements should be taken for people deficient in them, for excessive hair loss. Red kidney beans also have high zinc content in them that reduce skin blemishes and thus is a recommended anti aging food as well. Zinc also had secured a place in hair growth supplements.

INJA LIFE COLLAGEN is an anti aging supplement that we at INJA WELLNESS make, to give our customers visible results.


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